Tuesday, September 13, 2011

seven months

This post is rather late, being that V turned 7 months on September 5th. Posting has been sparse because we've been so consumed with moving into the new apartment. We're loving the extra space - I feel so lucky to have it. We've pretty much unpacked and are now just letting the apartment percolate and getting a feel for how we want to decorate it. More on that later, I suppose. In the meantime, I digress - V is seven months old!

I would say that as far as months go, six to seven brought us the biggest developmental changes. She went from barely being able to crawl, to being a full-fledged troublemaker who does a mean ogreish trot across our living room floor. She can pull herself up to standing using furniture, and will use any available surface to cruise along sideways. She can crawl up a stair now (just one, so far). I no longer have to worry about her falling backwards while sitting. She is much more vocal about what she wants (and there is nothing more awesome than seeing her barrel across the floor towards you because she wants to hang out). It is pretty much impossible to get anything work-related done these days, because she's so active.

We've been hanging out with a few babies here and there, and it's been fun to see V respond to them. Mostly they just play side by side, but she definitely finds her kind way funnier than adults. She is also totally into pulling hair and gnawing on things, so I have to watch her like a hawk when she's with other kids. (How do you teach a baby to be gentle??? Tips are appreciated!)

Oh, that's the other thing - she's gotten two teeth! They're still just coming up, but it's so strange not to see her gummy smile anymore. I miss it. She's not such a wee baby anymore.

This was in the old apartment, before she could really pull herself up to stand. We got out of our old place just in time. It would have been a disaster if she'd been mobile in that apartment.

Hmm. I'm pretty sure this isn't how you're supposed to use the playmat.

Our old apartment - I feel sad and nostalgic looking at this picture. Even though it's so great to have more space, our old apartment was my home for seven years. This was while we were in the midst of packing - V was making it near impossible, so I caved and did what I swore I'd never do - used the TV to babysit her for a little while. I started off with Spongebob, but couldn't stand it after a while and switched it over to some old school Pink Panther. It's really kind of disturbing how captivated V is by the TV. She is her mama and papa's child.

Our makeshift playpen when we first moved in. It didn't take her long to start trying to crawl over the suitcases and out into the apartment.

Using the Bumbo as her walker.

See? Captivated by the TV. Didn't even notice that there was an object on her head.

Getting ready to play some Mario Kart.

(Not) watching her pops skateboard at the museum.


  1. Thx for sharing these - hopped over here when hubby brought up a fishing print of yours I gave him awhile ago. Had to see what you'd been up to since I rarely have time to goodpf off online these days. your daughter seems to get a kick out of just about everything. I miss those days sometimes, but every milestone is more awesome than the last. Kids. Hum, we're just so lucky! Best to you all!

  2. Thanks so much for the comment and for following up with us after so many years! :) Hope you're still enjoying the print!
